...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

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I saw fate...

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I guess I'll have to do a little work on the Intelligent Design versus the Darwinists thing. I don't want to, mostly because these conflicts do a lot of masking, hiding the similarities between the two opposing sides, and it's generally those similarities that are most distressing to me.
But anyway.
Both sides refuse to leave the temporal context that humans inhabit. Expected on the Darwinian side, sort of, though post-quantum physicists shouldn't have too much trouble leaving the clock behind; but the creationist/ID guys have no excuse, they point toward eternity, at least verbally they do.
What could be, I'm not saying is, but could be, is a thing like intelligence, or organized volitional being, so greatly outside our experience that we have to miniaturize it to get it into our heads. That would be an eternal thing, and it would be "intelligent" as opposed to inanimate or empty. It isn't hard for me to imagine, all it takes is getting outside the personal dimension, the visible/tangible/temporal. Obviously what's here, around us, is infinite, and infinite in ways we can't comprehend rationally, or articulate accurately.
The problem with talking about these things is that by using the terms, which seem to be copyright and proprietary, it too easily empowers the slaves, who have been led to believe they're free, and who are doing the expressed bidding of an obscene and disgusting intelligence, greater than human, but much too small to deserve the credit for Intelligent Design. It seems likely that something close to that is behind the inexplicable power of fundamentalism and Judeo-Christian superstition in this darkening time.
In the same way primitive priests could use the accumulated arcana, the geometries of eclipse and solstice, to befuddle and misdirect their congregations, I think whatever it is that's driving this rise of ugly and shallow spirituality has usurped things far outside its sphere of ability, co-opted them, and now plays out its end-game using the credulous and anxious as pawns.
So the argument isn't Darwinian fact against creationist fiction, though that's the form it takes most of the time, it's layered and it has more intrigue.
Evolution's as real as fermentation or combustion, but the beginning of things, matter or animate molecules, is almost more an aesthetic judgement than a dissectable bit of reality. I'm using the term "aesthetic" here as an artist, as someone to whom aesthetic perception is numinous and essential to the life of the soul.
Where does human life begin? At birth or at conception?
It's a false question and the answer plays into one of two camps, both of whom are expressions of the same occult power.
Human life is, the life of the individual accumulates coherence out of the chaos and flux of the womb, but the sperm and the ovum were living when they combined.
I'm not interested in speaking to these things publicly much longer. I'm too disheartened by the presence in my life of organized gangs who take their power from these false conflicts, and want me, or to use me - dark or light - as some kind of token of their own validity.
What I would have done, had I ever had the chance, would have been to go as close to the center of this as I could get, and speak from there. I wasn't allowed to do that; and I'm not free to do that now. How much of the cause of that is my own incompetence, how much because of the intelligent resistance of something dark and powerful that seeks to use the earth and the human race, and how much is just the chance banging around of matter and energy in the closed chamber of the world - well that's the question, sort of, isn't it?
The answer is likely to be - both, all, and more.
The immediate issue of concern is the apocalyptic certainty of dim-witted and vicious people whose political power is like an acid on the face of what might be. The argument's been shifted around until "science" has to defend the vision of a cold empty universe, and the religionists own the possibility of God, and the landscape of eternity. But they both, in their extreme, sanction an anthropocentric morality that places men, as they are now, against everything, including men as they might one day become.
What it smells like is a gambit, what it looks like is corruption - a desperate intelligence, more than human, less than divine.
I can't see any other explanation for what's happening.

the rumbling comfort of the engine's hum still here - 1:43 AM

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