...But of these sophisms and elenchs of merchandise I skill not...
Milton, Areopagitica

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I saw fate...

Friday, November 26, 2004

Ptarmigan 26.Nov.04:
Pervasive systems that run relatively smoothly, that were there before we were born, become atmospheric, an unnoticed part of the world, the way things are.
Money is not a thing, it's a system, a code, a set of symbols. That it might be skewed toward a particular kind of person, rewarding some more than others, rather than the neutral null-value abstraction it's assumed to be is a radical idea, yet the evidence seems to be that it is skewed, weighted, not neutral but proprietary, favoring one kind of person over another, though none of that is part of acceptable discourse.
The educational system has stated goals that are widely variant from its achievements. One of the unspoken results of even a minimum educational experience, that's deepened and strengthened the further in you go, is the idea that there's something fundamentally dysfunctional about "wrong answers". Illogic, irrational assumptions, insane ideas, delusions, fantasies, all the wrong answers are supposed to be automatically disqualifying, and yet in the real world we can see it is not so.
Fundamentalists are engaged in the same struggle we all are, for gene-selection, for individual survival, for propagation of their particular version of the human. Illogic and insanity are not necessarily detrimental to that struggle - they can aid it tremendously under the right circumstances. The failure to grasp this in time is what's put the American political dynamic into an irrecoverable tailspin.

the rumbling comfort of the engine's hum still here - 2:15 PM

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